Browse the categories below to find out more about our approach to responsible investing.

father with glasses in a blue shirt hugs his baby inside their home

Our responsible investment policy

Learn more about how we work with our fund managers.

Climate roadmap thumbnail

Our climate roadmap

We’re proud to introduce our net-zero transition plan. Our roadmap provides an overview of our decarbonisation progress so far and our vision for the future.

Climate roadmap summary thumbnail

Our climate roadmap summary

We’ve condensed our climate roadmap into a short summary.

group of two females and a male hiking up a hillside on the edge of a lake with mountains in the distance

Our stewardship policy

Find out about our approach to investment stewardship

a man working late at night finds that his concentration is improved by putting his pen in his mouth

The case for expression of wish

Samantha Chew, Stewardship Lead in our Responsible Investment team, suggests that expression of wish could be another option for asset owners to exercise stewardship.

The value of investments may go down as well as up and scheme members may get back less than they invest.

Please speak to your usual Aegon contact to find out more about our responsible investment approach and how we can support you.

a mother lists her toddler overhead while they're outside in a grassy field

Corporate social responsibility

Find out why being a responsible business matters, and about the action we're taking.

Responsible investing in the workplace

Scheme members are increasingly sustainably conscious. Read about environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and how they impact your workplace scheme.